Teamwork is at the heart of every civil engineering project and there is a general feel throughout our university course that working together in diverse teams can create the best outcomes. So my question was, are CivSoc Collaborating enough?
In January this year I realised that everything we have done as part of Bristol CivSoc was either what our predecessors had done or something we had come up with as a committee.
There was no communication between CivSoc’s around the country.
That gave me the idea of founding a group called: CivSoc Collaborative. The idea behind this new group was that:
Presidents could meet and discuss events they were running both industry and social to develop a better overall experience for members in their respective society
We could create a LinkedIn network to create a large undergraduate network of civil engineering students
Between all the CivSoc’s we could create large social and industry events with the ideas that we have strength in numbers our events could have over 100 people in attendance and get inspiring speakers.
Currently there are 12 universities which are getting involved in the collaborative and we have our first talk on the 15th February 6-7:30pm which focus’ on sustainability and will be held on teams via this link.
I am really excited by this partnership and hope that it will grow and continue after I graduate and it will benefit all undergraduate Civil Engineering students who choose to get involved with their society at university.
Thank you for taking the time to read about our new collaborative and please feel free to leave your thoughts underneath!
Isabelle Sambles,
Bristol CivSoc President 2021-22