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November Monthly report

New committee members

We are very excited to announce two new committee members: Ashish Khatri (right) and Anastasis Pastras (left), who will run our new postgraduate and international sub-groups within CivSoc.

The international representative will be in charge of a new international network, which is a new sub-group within Bristol CivSoc. Their role is to engage with international students and voice any of their concerns regarding inclusivity at committee meetings so that we can act accordingly. The international representative will also be in charge of running the international network events, as well as working with Social Secretaries to make existing events more inclusive and our Welfare Diversity and Inclusion Officer to provide support for everyone in the international network.

The post-graduate representative will be in charge of a new Postgraduate network, which is a new sub-group within Bristol CivSoc. Their role is to engage with Postgraduate students to strengthen the bridge between undergraduate and postgraduate civil engineering students and also host events for postgraduate students to get to know each other better. The post-graduate representative will be the voice for postgraduate students to ensure all members are happy within the society.

Bristol SU

We are excited to announce that we have also achieved bronze accreditation which is part of Bristol SU’s way of ensuring societies offer the best experience for their members through setting out a list of 20 criteria points which every group has to show evidence of meeting. To achieve a bronze accreditation certificate so early on is very impressive however we are not stopping here and we hope to achieve gold accreditation by the end of the academic year.


Litter picking event

On the 14th of November, Bristol CivSoc joined other STEM societies to do a large litter picking on Brandon Hill with the aim to clean up the local community.

Buddy System

Established in 2020 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The goal was to pair first-year students with students from years above to reduce social isolation and to improve their university life academically and socially.

Due to the success of this scheme, we have expanded the system this year to include all years. It was set up so that students will mentor students from the year below them (I.e: 2nd years with 1st years, 3rd years with 2nd years, etc.)

This year we have a total of 15 pairs of buddies, ranging from 1st year to 3rd-year mentees. Last year we had 15 pairs of buddies too, but all mentoring first-year students.

Industry Events


On November 9th we hosted the annual Bristol Grab-a-Grad event in collaboration with the ICE (Institution of Civil Engineers) and IStructE (Institution of Structural Engineers). This event is an informal networking session that allows students to meet and chat with recent graduates and find out more about what it is like to be a young professional in the industry. This event also helps students build their industry network which can be vital when looking for and applying for jobs.

We had around 40 people attend the event and recruited a line-up of 15 graduates from a total of 10 different companies. This was a great turnout and the large graduate line-up meant students were able to speak to a variety of recent graduates.

Our secretary sits on the ICE Bristol & Bath GSA Committee and so organized this event on behalf of the ICE and CivSoc, IStructE Tuesday group then reached out and offered their support also. We spent 2 months prior to the event recruiting the graduate lineup, liaising with confirmed graduate attendees to ensure they understood the format of the event and what was required of them, promoting the event to students via our own social media, the ICE Website and on IStructE social media, and arranging logistics such as the room booking and catering.

We received positive verbal feedback from both graduate and student attendees on the night and written feedback from several graduates after the event.


Eng night out

On the 11th of November, we joint-ran a pub crawl ending at Lola’s with other Eng Societies.

27 Civils came, 183 people in total

£452 raised for Bristol Mind

Zero degrees

We went to zero degrees on 23/11.

The event sold out at 40 tickets

The venue gave us discount cards to give to society members in advance, which gave us a huge discount on pizzas and drinks

Had lots of great feedback, with many people asking if we can do it again soon

Sustainability Week

Between the 14th and 19th, we ran Sustainability focused events, with the inter-society litter pick (outlined in Section 3) and also a talk by Peter Head, named as one of the 50 people that could save the planet. This gave members the chance to listen to and ask Peter questions about sustainability. He also shared volunteering opportunities with our members, with his charity the ecological sequestration trust.

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